Gezamenlijke verklaring Frankrijk en Nederland na afloop regeringsconsultaties

Nederland en Frankrijk hebben een gezamenlijke verklaring uitgegeven na afloop van de regeringsconsultaties in Parijs met een afvaardiging van de Franse regering, onder leiding van president Macron. De verklaring is in het Engels.

Joint Communiqué on the implementation of the Joint Declaration of 31 August 2021, in the context of the Franco-Dutch consultations of 9 March 2022

Our two countries have been actively working on the implementation of the Joint Declaration of 31 August 2021. On this basis:

  1. In the face of increasing challenges, they converge on the need for a European Union, reinforcing its strategic autonomy in order to strengthen its role as a resilient global player responsible for its future, while remaining an open economy and in close cooperation with its like-minded partners, taking greater responsibility for its security and defence and allocating the necessary resources. They also coincide on the principle of an ambitious and concrete European strategic compass in the field of security and defence, and to further strengthen their close cooperation in areas of common strategic interest. They also commit to strengthening their close cooperation in regions of strategic interest (Ukraine, Sahel, Levant, Arabic Peninsula and the Indo-Pacific region).
  2. With a view to signing a defence framework agreement in 2024, they wish to: increase their cooperation in the naval field including the signing of between France, the Netherlands and Belgium  a Letter of Intent in Paris mid-March on naval cooperation; strengthen their partnership between the two Land forces, following the signing of a Letter of Intent in December 2021; increase exchanges in terms of doctrine, joint exercises, training and exchanges; develop their defence technology and industrial bases. The Netherlands and France play an active role in the development of European Defence capacities. The Netherlands will consider joining the developing consensus around mutual recognition of export licences and the Netherlands and France continue to strive to further convergence in export control policies in the EU. 
  3. They also agree to strengthen their cooperation in the Caribbean area following the signing of a SOFA on 25 June and more generally to intensify their multidisciplinary cooperation in the Antilles. They will endeavour with the other competent authorities in the Kingdom of the Netherlands to deepen police cooperation, border management, as well as explore further options to improve their operational law-enforcement cooperation in view of fighting organised crime in and from Latin-America and the Caribbean.
  4. Reiterating their intend to pursue swift decision-making on the Green Deal and the "Fit-for-55" package with a view to, amongst others: adopting a carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) to effectively limit the risks of carbon leakage; sustainable use of biomass, combating deforestation; supporting innovation and industrial transitions, effective decarbonisation technological neutrality and social equity. More specifically, they decide to establish a close dialogue on energy and climate, with a view to increase Europe’s energy security while allowing for meeting our CO2 emissions reduction target. A bilateral conference on sustainable aviation will be jointly organised in Paris in the framework of the Erasmus-Descartes Conference.
  5. Common efforts will be continued to consolidate the European Single market and to contribute to the emergence of a new European economic model with a view to a more competitive and innovative economy in the service of a resilient European Union.
  6. In support to the European Union's leadership in the field of technology, as key elements of the digital and green transitions, cooperation in the digital field will be intensified following the example of the memorandum of understanding signed on August 31st, 2021, in the field of quantum technologies.
  7. Joint work will be launched to establish a Pact for innovation and sustainable growth supported by France’s MEDEF and Netherlands’ VNO-NCW, in collaboration with public authorities from both countries, where needed. Work will also be made to facilitate an agreement on a roadmap on the completion of progress on the banking union and, on the crisis management and depositor insurance (CMDI) framework, share the vision that the resolution framework has to be strengthened by making resolution more viable and attractive and on the other hand reducing the possibilities to circumvent it, including through State aids.
  8. Converging on a strengthened and effective common European migration and asylum policy, in accordance with the European Union’s principles of solidarity and responsibility, they aim to guarantee the viability of the Schengen system, and prevent any attempts to exploit irregular migration. Furthermore, they will work on the follow-up the cross-border partnership launched at the Calais Conference on 28 November last to combat small boat traffickers. To this effect, they will seek to reinforce cooperation, in particular by optimally using existing capabilities such as the EU EMPACT cooperation.
  9. Cooperation will be enhanced to prevent, disrupt and fight drugs related crime, particularly in port and airport infrastructures, money laundering of criminal assets and the criminal abuse of technologies, in the follow-up of the coalition of France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain, launched on 9 December 2021. After meetings with operational experts this spring, inter alia organised by France (OFAST), the Dutch minister will invite her colleagues to take stock of progress so far and decide on a multiannual action plan this summer.
  10. Underlining the importance of accountability for terrorist crimes like those against the Yezidi community, they will continue their exchange and cooperation on the issue of foreign terrorist fighter and the fight against radicalisation in Europe.
  11. Recall the need to work towards a better supervision of foreign, European and public funding of civil actors in Europe in order to prevent any undesirable influence that undermines our democratic values.